Friday 6 April 2018

I'm back. Did you miss me?

After almost a week away - I am back

Thursday 1 January 2015

Thank you to my Wikaniko lovelies

As we enter 2015, I would like to take a moment to look back  and thank both my customers and team members for the support I received in 2014.

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post by Lyn Blackledge.

Monday 1 December 2014

Blog post #2 Do as you would be done by

Do as you would be done by

I am probably showing my age with that phrase but it is one that has always stuck with me throughout life. It is not just something for business but for the whole of life in general. I come from a family of 6. My siblings and I were taught to respect others and treat them kindly. We did of course, have our sibling differences but mum and dad steered us in the right direction. . Sadly not everyone has had the same teaching and I think it is so sad! Unfortunately my father is no longer with us but he led a happy and very fulfilling life.Let me introduce you to my mum and my siblings - Left to right David, me Mum Soo Graham!

I was subject to a certain amount of bullying at school. I can remember one or two sad times but nothing major. However, I cannot understand why grown adults attempt to bully others! People have tried and tried to bully me in my adult life but I won't tolerate it. I spent 30 years stopping children being unkind to each other as a teacher , why then should I accept it myself. I believe if you can't say anything nice, you shouldn't say anything at all!
Last year, I had an incident with a neighbour who took issue with my parking. There was no real problem but he perceived there was and hammered very aggressively on my door the next morning and told me to move the car. Now I, as you know, I was taught to treat others as I wished to be treated and shouting and banging the door aggressively wasn't an option! I have to say bullying me didn't bring the result he wanted. He did manage to get his car out which he would have done much quicker if he had not been trying to intimidate me.
I wrote him a note - merely suggesting that if he wanted something, surely it was better to be nice to people - much more likely to get the required reaction.. Wowie - result - he took heed and has been much more pleasant - even smiling at me in the supermarket. It isn't rocket science - if you are nice to others - they might well be nice to you.

In business it is the same in life. Much greater result will be achieved by being nice. Why sabotage your own business by being unkind? 

For anyone having trouble smiling  why not join us over at the Giggly Grannies We have lots of fun and laughter. we put the FUND into fundraising.

How do you deal with people who treat you unkindly? 

Saturday 29 November 2014

Why I have decided to accept a 30 day Blog Challenge

It is such a long time since I blogged and every day I kept thinking I ought to get to it. I know it is what I should have been doing for a long time but somehow so many other things got in the way and I wanted to blog on my site. However, crazy lady that I am

 - I can't access it so was just making excuses!! Having listened to a brilliant webinar by Sarah Arrow - I decided I mustn't make any more excuses. The trouble is I wear many hats so what to blog about?  I thought I'd give you an overview of some of the things I do  first and the fun I have along the way. I am a mum to three and granny to 4 and a Giggly Granny at that. In fact I am one of the Giggly Grannies having fun on the Isle of Wight. We put the FUN into FUNdraising - (and more to follow on that as the challenge progresses.) although I can't resist giving you a little insight into something we are doing next week -if I say emerald city, yellow brick road and poppies - maybe you might guess where we are off to!! Rome wasn't built in a day but our emerald city was! Exhausting work it was too so no wonder we fell asleep in the poppy field!!

 I run a portfolio of businesses which I will also share with you as I blog my way through the challenge. My main business is Wightbuzz - a networking and business support group I run on the Isle of Wight. I love connecting people and helping to join the dots and social media queen Veronica Pullen  who also lives here (Isle of Wight) on what she lovingly calls the "Royal Island" has dubbed me the Connection Queen. Thanks Veronica, I'm loving that - a much nicer fame name than the Networking Guru  (Check out Lucy Whittington -Being a Business Celebrity  to learn more about how to choose your fame name) 

So did you guess we are off to the see the Wizard? In preparing for our fundraiser next week (raising funds for the Open Arms project )  and having run Wightbuzz successfully for 4 years means I have some super businesses on board run by some fantastic people. Susan Martin of Smart in Design  has created Wizard of Oz themed posters and tickets 

and helped with the building of the emerald city . Another of our members Marie, of Music Craft will be performing her magic on her saxaphone as we encourage everyone to join in the sing-along . We also have another member Katrina, who is a business coach and has also agreed to compere our evening. It will be much fun and I will bring you more news in the following blogs. Again, using the skills of another member Graham Reading of Graham Reading Photography  (who also happens to be my very talented, award winning brother) we should have a wonderful record of a fun evening and knowing him , we will no doubt appear in the press again and online media. 
Networking and connecting people is what I do well and have found even more ways to market members through the community work we do. Out of the box thinking is what I love - maybe some of the ideas are a little wacky but it works. We  have a very exciting week ahead as it is Wightbuzz birthday week. 
Wightbuzz is 4 years old on Monday. What a fantastic time to launch our national and global expansion. I have combined with my sons and three other media graduates. The Wighbuzz name stays for the Isle of Wight and the global brand is AllthingsNetworking - watch this space......

Here endeth day 1 of the 30 Day blog challenge. Watch this space for more exciting news. Find out more about how my dream team may be able to help you. As business mentors, we can help you with many things including social media. Many of our members were "frightened" of using twitter. With our help they are now tweeting away beautifully. Result :)