Friday 17 June 2011

How honoured I feel!

Last year I was lucky enough to win the Best Saleswoman of the Year category in the Mumpreneurs awards
Winning this award has made so much difference to my life. First of all, I entered because a guy told me I was stupid for running more than one business at a time when I was already in a long dark tunnel and didn't need to be put down!! So imagine how delighted I was when I won. Even more special for me was what followed! I have always enjoyed connecting people and here on the Isle of Wight where I live, current economic times have made it even more crucial than ever. The small businesses here (as elsewhere) will only survive if we all pull together. Using the publicity of the award - I created Wightbuzz which I launched on 1st December 2010. I was delighted with the response. I am offering very,very affordable networking and over 50 members joined in the first six months. I am promoting members by word of mouth , facebook, twitter as well as other social media. Imagine how delighted I was, when, through the power of the internet, I linked with Nicola Karn who loved the concept and has embraced the idea in Kent and allowed me to launch nationally! Hence Bizzness Buzz was born. Bizzness Buzz is now spreading and Staffordshire and other counties are lining up too! 
Having seen what a difference the award made to me and my business, when I saw the Hampshire Winning Women Business awards being advertised on facebook, I was encouraging other women in business to enter. I had no intention of entering myself - however, Allison Marlowe, who set up the Hampshire Winning Women network, saw what I was doing and encouraged me to enter. Imagine my absolute delight when I got a call to say I would be interviewed. This took the form of a telephone interview between me and the four judges. Imagine how even more delighted I was when I got an email telling me I was a finalist. What an honour. I feel humbled to be a finalist  (in the networking champion category) amongst such inspirational women. Whether or not I come home with the award, I know I will have a fabulous evening in such fantastic company.  Reaching the finals can only be beneficial for the Bizzness Buzz network. I am sooooo looking forward to helping others in small business to survive this economic climate!
My advice to anyone in small business is to connect with others and to look for awards to enter. What better way to showcase what you are good at.