Saturday 12 November 2011

Twas on a Saturday evening!

My new phone!
For those of you following my recent updates, you will know that it has been a very challenging week in many ways. Apart from various other challenges, I have been technically challenged since I changed my old phone for a Smartphone. Well all seemed to be fine as a friend helped me set it up! There I was off and running or so I thought!! Hmmmmmm didn't last long. One of the reasons I wanted the new phone was so I could upload photos to facebook - I manage other peoples pages and like to upload relevant pictures to add more interest! So there I was happily snapping away when suddenly the phone tells me I have no storage left and then won't let me do anything else!! It wouldn't even let me answer the phone and I never did find out who rang me yesterday morning!! I tried all sorts of things but finally became too technically challenged and resorted to putting my sim card back in my old phone - at least I knew how to do that!!!!
Not only was the phone defeating me but I also had issues with my internet connection and my laptop. What a week! Well I managed to sort out the internet but the laptop issue wasn't so easy to solve. Look I can't be good at everything and techie things certainly aren't my forte!!
Imagine my delight when a knight in shining armour came to my rescue - well forget the armour (maybe I lied about that bit!!) Anthony, of AC Computers and IoWSight. He had been watching my plight on social media and offered his help. 
Well I have to say, I am very impressed. Anthony arranged to come over after I had finished work tonight and spent the evening fixing my laptop and instructing me on how to use my phone!! I am delighted. That's what it needed - a smart young man to instruct on the use of a Smart Phone! I have no hesitation in recommending him to other Wightbuzz  members and indeed anyone else who needs techie help!!  He made it look soooooo easy! Right I'm off now to update those facebook pages with clients pictures!!

Friday 11 November 2011

Technically challenged!

Ok so life has been a little challenging recently (did you read the previous post?) 

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to upgrade to a smart phone. I found this quite amusing as I had previously been one who wanted a phone just to be a phone and not to make the toast and run errands!!!!!  Well times change and now I see the benefit to my business -Not quite sure who called them smart phones!! Nothing smart about a phone that won't let me delete the photos when the storage is full and refuses to let me answer it - even switching off so I couldn't see who was calling me :) So I have put the sim back in my old handset until tomorrow when a young friend is going to come to my aid!!  Not only was the phone being less than smart, my internet connection had been playing up too so life on my laptop was non existent! Fortunately I have a small notebook and mobile wifi which has had to surfice, but not as good as the laptop. Tonight I managed to get the internet sorted - with the replacement of the filter but the laptop has to be wired in as the wifi part has gone wrong - again my friend is helping me sort that too. 
So all should be well and so it would be if I didn't have a washing machine with the door stuck (with wet washing inside) and a loo that makes a horrendous noise when it is flushed!! oh and a blind that has got in a tangle and won't let me pull it up in the daytime!!

Never mind, as my grandmother would have said, worse things happen at sea!! I'm just glad I haven't got a ferry trip planned to the mainland right now :)

Thursday 10 November 2011

Life with Lyn is never dull

Two days ago, I posted on my facebook status  "I feel a blog coming on" Well finally I have time to write that blog. As many of you know I run a Network group called Wightbuzz and I help out some of my members in time of crisis. I have been helping Jo of Blushing blooms with some of her deliveries. She had one to go to  to Lake and Lake is between Ryde and Blushing Blooms and Shanklin where I was going on to help Jason at Isle of Wight feet run his shop for the afternoon. Simple thought I! Mistake number one. For anyone familiar with Lake - they will know it is subject to roadworks and one isn't able to park at the best of times. Jo had googled the address for me and there it was a flat above a Pharmacy! Mistake number 2!! There was me thinking google would have it right :) Well I drove through the roadworks looking for a pharmacy - and yes I found one but it didn't look like the one on google -never mind thought I - it must have had a facelift. Well there didn't seem to be anywhere to park - although I thought I spotted a gap between the shops so I drove round the block again having to wait to get through the roadworks again. I drove through the gap, turned roud in what was a rather diddy space and drove back and stopped between the shops popping on my hazard lights indicating I would be only seconds - NOT indicating I was a hazard :) Well I hopped out and got out the beautiful bouquet and headed a couple of doors along to the pharmacy - but it was number 27 and I was looking for 7A  (oh and by the way did I mention it was raining?) well I thought I had better not leave the van and wonder off in case anyone needed to get past! So back into the van and time to go the other end of the road works as the lower numbers were clearly at that end. Well I managed to find a parking spot in a side road so off I went with bouquet - realising I might need the card that indicates where I have left the said bouquet if the recipient is out!! Well must have been having a granny moment as I picked up the pen but no card :( - (and don't forget it is still raining) Well off I went in search of this non-existent pharmacy!!!!!! I stopped a passerby who was kindly trying to help me out. A lady within the building we were outside, detected we might need help and came out to offer assistance. By now I am running very late and have to put in a distressed call to Jo to call Jason as I hadn't got his number (and thought it only polite to let him know I will be late) I have to say I was feeling a little stressed at this point! Well not to be defeated, I spoke to the lady who came out and she said that her building was number 5 and although maths isn't my forte, I do know that 5 must be somewhere near 7A - I was getting warm!!!!!!! Well finally I found a gate that had various number on including 7A - it said no thoroughfare but I was jolly well going through. Just inside the gate was 7 and 7A!!! But guess what - noone was in at either house! Ok so looking around, I saw a ground floor flat behind that had open windows! Aha thought I - there must be someone in. I rang and waited ages but eventually an elderly chap answered. He was going out but agreed to take in the bouquet! Thank goodness for that - but of course I needed to put a card through the door of 7A saying where the flowers were :) Yes the card was back in the van which involved a rather now stressed Lyn in a brisk walk in the rain there and back!!! Finally having delivered flowers and the card I hurried back to the van - giving out my business card for Wightbuzz on the way to a possible new member. Right now it should be simple! Back to van and off to Jason's shop at last! Mistake number 3! I actually had to go through the roadworks again and a very kind driver let me in as the lights went green. Should have been simple and would have been had there not been a coach driver coming the other way who decided that the red light was not meant for him!!! So he came one way while we were all coming the other way. Gridlock in the roadworks. Thank goodness for the sensible workman who assessed the situation very quickly and moved the barriers so that we could all drive oveer to the side so the rather idiotic coach driver drove through seemingly unaware of his actions. We then had to reverse out of the roadworks and finally I made it to Jason's shop half an hour late!!!  It was sitting in the middle of the roadworks with the coach coming the other way that my sense of humour took over and I saw the funny side. That is when I felt a blog coming on. Hence my facebook statement - I feel a blog coming on!  All part of life's rich tapestry of life!!