Monday 26 May 2014

The Secret & The Law of Attraction The Shift by Wayne Dyer

Great bank holiday viewing - well worth taking two hours out to watch this. Its amazing and very powerful. Check it out.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Time for a "cruise"

I couldn't help it! On Tuesday of last week,  I just had to update my status to "I'm going on a cruise"

About 5 years ago, around the time I first started using facebook, I was not in a good place. Life had taken one of those dips that happen sometimes and I was just learning to cope with my new situation. At age 58 I had had to move in with my mum and dad (like you  do!) Having not felt like I was appreciated, I walked away from a home based business where I was one of the top performers in the country. I had been the top on party sales in 2005 and was also runner up recruiter and had grown and trained a reasonably big team - not a bad performance! I had "earnt" 5 foreign holidays in 6 years. However, the goal posts moved and I felt my credibility would be questioned and so I resigned my position.

There were many happy memories from my 7 years connected to that company and last Wednesday,  some of those happy memories came flooding back. One of those holidays I earnt, was a short cruise. I can remember a fantastic night where my cabin mate did my make up (I'm not much of a make up person) I had my hair done and dressed up in the velvet dress I had hired before I left the Island. I don't scrub up badly and this was proved when I emerged from my cabin feeling like a movie star. My colleagues were wowed by my appearance (not sure what that says about me on a day to day basis :) )I felt fabulous. Just the thing to lift the spirits and we had a fabulous night. 

Well, last week my status read, I'm going on a cruise. It was very tongue in cheek. My previous cabin mate wanted to know where I was going. I had to admit that the cruise was a trip on the newly refurbished red funnel ferry, Red Falcon. My "cruise" was from Cowes to Southampton and back again (courtesy of the chamber of commerce. ) 

We did however, dress for the occasion. Giggly Granny 2 went in the dressing up box and found garlands, sun hats and sunglasses. We had lots of fun :)