Saturday 12 November 2011

Twas on a Saturday evening!

My new phone!
For those of you following my recent updates, you will know that it has been a very challenging week in many ways. Apart from various other challenges, I have been technically challenged since I changed my old phone for a Smartphone. Well all seemed to be fine as a friend helped me set it up! There I was off and running or so I thought!! Hmmmmmm didn't last long. One of the reasons I wanted the new phone was so I could upload photos to facebook - I manage other peoples pages and like to upload relevant pictures to add more interest! So there I was happily snapping away when suddenly the phone tells me I have no storage left and then won't let me do anything else!! It wouldn't even let me answer the phone and I never did find out who rang me yesterday morning!! I tried all sorts of things but finally became too technically challenged and resorted to putting my sim card back in my old phone - at least I knew how to do that!!!!
Not only was the phone defeating me but I also had issues with my internet connection and my laptop. What a week! Well I managed to sort out the internet but the laptop issue wasn't so easy to solve. Look I can't be good at everything and techie things certainly aren't my forte!!
Imagine my delight when a knight in shining armour came to my rescue - well forget the armour (maybe I lied about that bit!!) Anthony, of AC Computers and IoWSight. He had been watching my plight on social media and offered his help. 
Well I have to say, I am very impressed. Anthony arranged to come over after I had finished work tonight and spent the evening fixing my laptop and instructing me on how to use my phone!! I am delighted. That's what it needed - a smart young man to instruct on the use of a Smart Phone! I have no hesitation in recommending him to other Wightbuzz  members and indeed anyone else who needs techie help!!  He made it look soooooo easy! Right I'm off now to update those facebook pages with clients pictures!!

Friday 11 November 2011

Technically challenged!

Ok so life has been a little challenging recently (did you read the previous post?) 

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to upgrade to a smart phone. I found this quite amusing as I had previously been one who wanted a phone just to be a phone and not to make the toast and run errands!!!!!  Well times change and now I see the benefit to my business -Not quite sure who called them smart phones!! Nothing smart about a phone that won't let me delete the photos when the storage is full and refuses to let me answer it - even switching off so I couldn't see who was calling me :) So I have put the sim back in my old handset until tomorrow when a young friend is going to come to my aid!!  Not only was the phone being less than smart, my internet connection had been playing up too so life on my laptop was non existent! Fortunately I have a small notebook and mobile wifi which has had to surfice, but not as good as the laptop. Tonight I managed to get the internet sorted - with the replacement of the filter but the laptop has to be wired in as the wifi part has gone wrong - again my friend is helping me sort that too. 
So all should be well and so it would be if I didn't have a washing machine with the door stuck (with wet washing inside) and a loo that makes a horrendous noise when it is flushed!! oh and a blind that has got in a tangle and won't let me pull it up in the daytime!!

Never mind, as my grandmother would have said, worse things happen at sea!! I'm just glad I haven't got a ferry trip planned to the mainland right now :)

Thursday 10 November 2011

Life with Lyn is never dull

Two days ago, I posted on my facebook status  "I feel a blog coming on" Well finally I have time to write that blog. As many of you know I run a Network group called Wightbuzz and I help out some of my members in time of crisis. I have been helping Jo of Blushing blooms with some of her deliveries. She had one to go to  to Lake and Lake is between Ryde and Blushing Blooms and Shanklin where I was going on to help Jason at Isle of Wight feet run his shop for the afternoon. Simple thought I! Mistake number one. For anyone familiar with Lake - they will know it is subject to roadworks and one isn't able to park at the best of times. Jo had googled the address for me and there it was a flat above a Pharmacy! Mistake number 2!! There was me thinking google would have it right :) Well I drove through the roadworks looking for a pharmacy - and yes I found one but it didn't look like the one on google -never mind thought I - it must have had a facelift. Well there didn't seem to be anywhere to park - although I thought I spotted a gap between the shops so I drove round the block again having to wait to get through the roadworks again. I drove through the gap, turned roud in what was a rather diddy space and drove back and stopped between the shops popping on my hazard lights indicating I would be only seconds - NOT indicating I was a hazard :) Well I hopped out and got out the beautiful bouquet and headed a couple of doors along to the pharmacy - but it was number 27 and I was looking for 7A  (oh and by the way did I mention it was raining?) well I thought I had better not leave the van and wonder off in case anyone needed to get past! So back into the van and time to go the other end of the road works as the lower numbers were clearly at that end. Well I managed to find a parking spot in a side road so off I went with bouquet - realising I might need the card that indicates where I have left the said bouquet if the recipient is out!! Well must have been having a granny moment as I picked up the pen but no card :( - (and don't forget it is still raining) Well off I went in search of this non-existent pharmacy!!!!!! I stopped a passerby who was kindly trying to help me out. A lady within the building we were outside, detected we might need help and came out to offer assistance. By now I am running very late and have to put in a distressed call to Jo to call Jason as I hadn't got his number (and thought it only polite to let him know I will be late) I have to say I was feeling a little stressed at this point! Well not to be defeated, I spoke to the lady who came out and she said that her building was number 5 and although maths isn't my forte, I do know that 5 must be somewhere near 7A - I was getting warm!!!!!!! Well finally I found a gate that had various number on including 7A - it said no thoroughfare but I was jolly well going through. Just inside the gate was 7 and 7A!!! But guess what - noone was in at either house! Ok so looking around, I saw a ground floor flat behind that had open windows! Aha thought I - there must be someone in. I rang and waited ages but eventually an elderly chap answered. He was going out but agreed to take in the bouquet! Thank goodness for that - but of course I needed to put a card through the door of 7A saying where the flowers were :) Yes the card was back in the van which involved a rather now stressed Lyn in a brisk walk in the rain there and back!!! Finally having delivered flowers and the card I hurried back to the van - giving out my business card for Wightbuzz on the way to a possible new member. Right now it should be simple! Back to van and off to Jason's shop at last! Mistake number 3! I actually had to go through the roadworks again and a very kind driver let me in as the lights went green. Should have been simple and would have been had there not been a coach driver coming the other way who decided that the red light was not meant for him!!! So he came one way while we were all coming the other way. Gridlock in the roadworks. Thank goodness for the sensible workman who assessed the situation very quickly and moved the barriers so that we could all drive oveer to the side so the rather idiotic coach driver drove through seemingly unaware of his actions. We then had to reverse out of the roadworks and finally I made it to Jason's shop half an hour late!!!  It was sitting in the middle of the roadworks with the coach coming the other way that my sense of humour took over and I saw the funny side. That is when I felt a blog coming on. Hence my facebook statement - I feel a blog coming on!  All part of life's rich tapestry of life!!

Friday 7 October 2011

110% customer service

As many of you will already know, I run Wightbuzz, a networking group for the small businesses on the Isle of Wight. I really like to give my clients value for money and often go the extra mile. Last week, Jo of Blushing Blooms , called me to see if I could man the shop for her. I was delighted to oblige. So off she went to set up wedding flowers down at Gurnard Pines (where there is no mobile phone signal - and yes that is relevant!) I took several phone messages - so far so good but then a couple came in and wanted to buy a candelabra displayed in the window and unfortunately there was no price attached. I tried phoning Jo but as I said - no phone signal. I tried texting and eventually Jo rang with the price. Phewie - the sale was made! A short while later a lovely couple came into the shop. They wanted some flowers to take to their hostess. They gave me a price they wanted to spend - now I was in trouble. I hadn't got a clue how many flowers to give them for that. It wasn't like the local supermarket where the bunches are all priced. They weren't in a hurry as they had arrived on an early ferry and had time to spare so we chatted for a while -(and of course I still couldn't get Jo on the phone) . As time went on I felt we might lose the sale so suggested the couple might like to pop across to the florist across the road - although I didn't really want to lose the sale but neither did I want to get it badly wrong and give away too many flowers. The gentleman wouldn't hear of it. I had obviously made a good impression and he wanted to do business with me. The couple were now enjoying the sunshine, sitting on the wall outside the shop. As I chatted, a lady came along with a small dog and she stopped to talk. I have seen her go by many times so was cheeky enough to ask if she knew anything about the price of flowers etc. She had been a regular customer of Jo's and knew prices and not only that, she had also done some floral training. How lucky was I! She came in the shop, chose some flowers, wrapped them up and gave them to the customer whereupon they paid me and all ended well. AND they gave me 110% for customer satisfaction. Jo came round the corner a few minutes later (and the phone messages all arrived on her phone after she was back.)

Monday 3 October 2011

Do you value your friends?

Life has been tough for me as it has for many. I have, however, learnt to live on the roller coaster that is my life. At times. I really have to strengthen my grip but I am determined not to let go!!
 Through it all I will still remain true to my principles (my mum and dad taught me well!) I treat others as I would wish to be treated. Sadly this is not true of everyone. 
Recent events have made me take stock. I now find myself surrounded by some wonderful friends. The fair weather friends are gone and the real friends remain. 
I really value these friends and thank them from the bottom of my heart. These are the ones who are honest and speak the truth. I love you all lots. xx

Sunday 18 September 2011

Exciting times

Exciting times for Lyn's Biz. At Lyn's Biz, I run a portfolio of home based businesses and am growing teams of lovely people who want to work from home. Not only that but I also run Wightbuzz a very affordable networking group for those running small businesses on the Isle of Wight (and beyond - see Bizzness Buzz ) This week there has been lots of interaction between members and more members have joined. We now have nearly 70 members. 
All branches of Lyn's Biz have been busy. Sales have been made from Lyn's Barefoot Books , Lyn Blackledge Independent Phoenix trader, Lyn's Primary Stars, Lyn's Green Biz and I am delighted to say that via Savvy Savings I have helped 4 new customers reduce their outgoings on essential bills and in so doing I also promoted to Team Leader. that can't be bad. Getting paid for helping people save money and then getting promoted as well. Why not join me?

This week I will be out and about with Lyn's Biz but will also be coordinating the Macmillan Support Mega Fundraise  I wonder what this week will hold? 

Tuesday 6 September 2011

The power of Twitter!

It took me a long time to understand Twitter! Why would anyone want to know why Johnny was at the bus stop eating a jam sandwich? I just didn't get it! But am I glad I do now. Wow ! I have been building up my contacts and really getting my head round how powerful it is. Then Imagine my great delight when @purpledognet made me #purplebiz business of the day last Tuesday. What a good job I was planning to spend most of the day at home. The tweets came in constantly - fast and furious. I had more than an extra 100 followers by the end of the day and many more in the week following. Most of these are good quality connections. I have already had some very useful phone conversations for business exchange with some of those new followers. I am excited about moving those opportunities forward. I am soooooo glad I got my head round twitter and would urge others who are in business to start using it. It would be very silly not to :)

Friday 17 June 2011

How honoured I feel!

Last year I was lucky enough to win the Best Saleswoman of the Year category in the Mumpreneurs awards
Winning this award has made so much difference to my life. First of all, I entered because a guy told me I was stupid for running more than one business at a time when I was already in a long dark tunnel and didn't need to be put down!! So imagine how delighted I was when I won. Even more special for me was what followed! I have always enjoyed connecting people and here on the Isle of Wight where I live, current economic times have made it even more crucial than ever. The small businesses here (as elsewhere) will only survive if we all pull together. Using the publicity of the award - I created Wightbuzz which I launched on 1st December 2010. I was delighted with the response. I am offering very,very affordable networking and over 50 members joined in the first six months. I am promoting members by word of mouth , facebook, twitter as well as other social media. Imagine how delighted I was, when, through the power of the internet, I linked with Nicola Karn who loved the concept and has embraced the idea in Kent and allowed me to launch nationally! Hence Bizzness Buzz was born. Bizzness Buzz is now spreading and Staffordshire and other counties are lining up too! 
Having seen what a difference the award made to me and my business, when I saw the Hampshire Winning Women Business awards being advertised on facebook, I was encouraging other women in business to enter. I had no intention of entering myself - however, Allison Marlowe, who set up the Hampshire Winning Women network, saw what I was doing and encouraged me to enter. Imagine my absolute delight when I got a call to say I would be interviewed. This took the form of a telephone interview between me and the four judges. Imagine how even more delighted I was when I got an email telling me I was a finalist. What an honour. I feel humbled to be a finalist  (in the networking champion category) amongst such inspirational women. Whether or not I come home with the award, I know I will have a fabulous evening in such fantastic company.  Reaching the finals can only be beneficial for the Bizzness Buzz network. I am sooooo looking forward to helping others in small business to survive this economic climate!
My advice to anyone in small business is to connect with others and to look for awards to enter. What better way to showcase what you are good at. 

Friday 27 May 2011

What a day!

Yesterday started out with a plan! I was meeting up with Bev Jessup, a speech and language therapist who like me lives in Ryde. We met recently and met up for coffee so she could tell me more about her bid to win the Barclays £50,000 grant  in the "Take on small step" competition. I have a 30 year teaching background and was very keen to learn about her work.  She has been shortlisted in the last 3 and voting starts on Monday - she will certainly be getting my vote. She also joined my network group Wightbuzz. From Bev's it was on to the Isobel centre to discuss how I could help them become a community fundraising - very easily raising funds for themselves while helping their supporters save money on the household bills - a win win win situation set up by The Utility Warehouse (Lyn's Utility Biz) Before my meeting I decided to eat my lunch at the Isobel centre as they serve very reasonably priced meals! Good job I did - at 12 o'clock - my friend Jo of Blushing Blooms Florists in Ryde rang me! I had said only a couple of days earlier - if ever you get stuck for a delivery driver let me know - and she did! (unfortunately she wasn't given much notice by the non appearing delivery driver!!!)   Bridal flowers to get to Ventnor by 1.30!!! Oh heck - I was just about to have a meeting in Newport and the van's diesel tank was on empty! Ok so the meeting went ahead - all the facts presented then off on my way - off to the nearest diesel station then over to Ryde, picked up Jo and flowers and then off to Ventnor where I deposited Jo and the bridal flowers leaving her to calm the bride and arrange the flowers in the brides hair and sort out the other arrangements. The flowers looked gorgeous (and smelt lovely) Not quite sure how we made it in time but we did!
We returned to Ryde where it was most definitely time for a well earned cuppa then I did a further delivery of two very beautiful arrangements before heading home for a well earned rest. In fact I had my tea and fell asleep in the chair for about 3 hours!!!!!  I love days like that! Makes it all more exciting.

Friday 22 April 2011

It's Good Friday

I wonder what today will bring? Good Friday has been quite significant for me over the years. 40 years ago, my family and I attended a church service and then followed this with a Good Friday ramble with other church members. A fun afternoon and picnic was had by all and it was a shame to break up the party. We lived in a big house so my mother invited the ramblers back for an evening get together. Everyone went off to change out of their rambling clothes before descending on our house. Most of my family went home to prepare for this impromptu party and dad popped over to church to collect extra cutlery for the crowds to make tea time a little easier.

Imagine our horror when we arrived home to find the place in disarray! We had been burgled!!! There was chaos everywhere with drawers tipped out across the floor.
Then the guests started to arrive!! They felt they ought to leave and let us clear up but mum wouldn't hear a word of it! In fact having other people there made it easier to deal with. So our guests picked their way round the chaos and we waited for the police to arrive. My life was never the same again!!

PC Ivor Griffiths was the handsome young police officer who came to call that day!!! He then came to call for many many more days. I had to help him so much with his police enquiries!!!!! Yes I married that police officer and had my three beautiful children with him. Indeed it was a very GOOD Friday! On our wedding day - the good Friday ramblers didn't give us the traditional horsehoe or wooden spoon. We had a giant HOT CROSS BUN! (one of them was a baker) and for those who know me well - they will know I never stick with tradition!!!

That marriage blessed me with my beautiful children Toby, Natasha and Tristan and Natasha decided to arrive 3 weeks late so she could arrive on GOOD FRIDAY too!  I wonder what today will have in store for me and mine!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Helping others

One of the things I most love, is helping others.  Today I want to find more people who need to reduce their bills. I have reduced my own and this week I helped my friend cut her telephony bill by two thirds!
 How would you like a zero bill for your household services? Over 400 UW customers now enjoy that. They have recommended the services and have been rewarded for doing that. Would you like to find out how that works? Why not leave me a message and I would be happy to explain.

Sunday 27 March 2011

What a difference a year makes!

 Just over a year ago, I was told I was stupid for running multiple businesses (Lyn's Biz) and I was told the happy banter I posted on facebook was silly! ( a good job I took no notice but  took my own advice (to do what was right for me) rather than take that gentleman's advice! I had been financially devastated by a company who had had 7 years of my loyal full time service! They decided to move the goalposts - compromising my credibility. I left and spread my eggs into several baskets. No way would I ever put them all in one basket again! I persevered and promoted myself via social media as it was free (remember I had been financially devastated!) Now far from being stupid - I am having the last laugh. My multiple businesses are growing - people are joining me BECAUSE of my happy banter on facebook! I have gained new customers and new team members. I entered a National mumpreneurs award and won the west Saleswoman 2010 category. That has given me enormous publicity and on the back of that I have been able to set up a  network group on the Isle of Wight, where I live. Wightbuzz
has been set up as a networking group to help the small businesses on the Island survive by linking together. It has been so successful in the four months that it has been running that there are now plans to expand in other areas.
I am so glad I didn't listen to that sad gentleman who tried to bring me down! What a difference a year makes. Don't let anyone put you down. Follow your dreams and dare to dream big. Just go out there and make things happen!

Monday 14 February 2011

A new beginning!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is the first day in my new flat and I am loving it and I'm loving life. How can it get any better than this?

For the first time ever, I actually wrote down my goals for the year. Top of the list was to be in my own accommodation again by the end of the year. 4 weeks ago I shared this goal with a friend at Vectis Sunrise Rotary Breakfast. How amazed was she when I rang her to tell her I was moving in a month! I was thrilled that my mum had facilitated this for me!

So the biggest goal has already been achieved (by 13th February). Who says 13 is unlucky?  So onwards and upwards.

Other goals include helping others to achieve their ambitions and in particular those who would like to run their own businesses. I am CEO of four home based businesses and I am looking for new business partners who want to run their own too. Maybe this is the year for you to set up a business from home. Maybe you would be interested in promoting beautiful Barefoot books

which you can set up for FREE with a FREE website too. Perhaps you would prefer to earn an income by helping people save money so maybe Utility Warehouse
 might be the answer and there is a very special starting offer on at the moment. Join for £100 which is half the usual cost and there is the option to receive £500 in your first 90 days. Perhaps an opportunity to run a green business is more what you had in mind so Wikaniko might be what you are looking for. Start up cost here is £48 which gives you a business box and a website or maybe promoting beautiful greetings cards might be more to you taste then Phoenix Trading will be the answer.
I would love to help you succeed.

Having achieved my biggest goal, I am now working on the others and adding more. What are your goals?

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Networking networking networking

My goodness just how much networking can one do in a day?

Yesterday I managed 4 networking meetings!!. In the morning I set off down the road to join like minded business friends for Business @ breakfast where Alex Tana was the main speaker. It was then only a short hop from there to Missy J Cafe where Polly Shredder of the family directory

 Henritte Burns, therapist, Nicola Broadsmith, Jan Thwaites, Nutritional Therapist and I   Lyn's Biz We exchanged news and learned more about each other and what we were looking for in business.

It was then off to WIN the Women's Island Networking group meets at the Eight bells on term time only and we spend an hour getting to know more about what we each do and who we want to connect with.

Natalie King, a pampered chef consultant treated us to a demonstration and allowed us to eat the scrummy salad afterwards! We all had a turn to help her with the recipe and a lot of fun was had by all!

How come I had no networking in the afternoon???

The evening came and it was time to pop along to the Bargeman's in Newport where the Island Business Network group It was facinating to meet Robin of Discover Wight. He is 16 and a very switched on young man. He couldn't get a job and so he created one and has set up Discover Wight

He wants to promote all things good about the Island to the visitors. Karen Way, creative Kinesiologist practitioner and Life tracking Facillitator is a new member to the group.
 There was a very lively discussion amongst the visitors which rounded off my networking day beautifully. Networking overload? never - you can never have too much networking!

Sunday 16 January 2011

Twas on a Saturday morning!

Twas on a Saturday morning that Kelvin came to call.

There I was being a busy bunny on behalf of my business Lyn's Biz when suddenly my landline phone had no dialling tone. I phoned my service provider from my mobile but decided it was a no-go when it was suggested that I get down on my knees and start unscrewing the telephone socket to check it. As if.......Not sure this is what Granny Lyn  should be doing. In fact this was a job for the expert. I had no hesitation in calling for Kelvin Currie of West Wight Audio I had been listening to Vectis Radio and Kelvins advert  promoting West Wight Audio, was playing  just to remind me (as if I needed reminding) I was very impressed at his efficiency. I hadn't expected him to be so prompt in attending but was pleased to welcome him  accompanied by Maggie. He certainly saved me scrabbling around on my knees - that doesn't even bear thinking about! The fault has not yet detected but at least Kelvin has proved it isn't at my end. Many thanks Kelvin - I am very grateful as are my knees!

Thursday 13 January 2011

A day in the office!

After such a busy day out networking yesterday, I thought I ought to have a day in the office. My office overlooks the Solent and on a clear day (which it is not!) I can see across to Portsmouth. I feel I am playing catch up today. Now with my multiple income streams, I need to make sure I keep up!! I am running 4 home based businesses and have team members and customers to look after. I have also recently created Wightbuzz. This morning, Wight Buzz member Jane Popov popped in. She and Elizabeth Bain have created a beautiful calendar of the Isle of Wight (with Jane's family all getting involved too) Their story is fascinating and I have asked them to write a blog post for me as I am sure my readers would enjoy it. The calendars will last after 2011 is over as the pictures can be saved and framed!

I have spent the rest of the day promoting clients and of Lyn's Biz and members of WightBuzz. (and mustn't forget my own businesses. Blogging, emailing, phoning, it all has to be done and in between times I am organising a Home Based Business Extravaganza as 700 council workers are facing redundancy ! We want to show them there is life after redundancy as many of us now run businesses from home very successfully. Family flexible working is what so many people want and need. It will be a great event with goodie bags and spot prizes. A great chance for the small Home Based businesses of the Isle of Wight to really show what they can so and how they can help others.

Busy busy busy - it's how I like to be!!!!

Tea soon and then off to Nova Lifestyles meeting to see what Sara has planned for the future Health and well being of the Island!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

What a fabulous day!

Wednesday is a Rotary day so off I went to Newport for my 7.30 am meeting!! As usual, it was full of fun and ready repartie plus the slightly more serious business side of things!

This was followed by a trip to see the newest members of my Wightbuzz networking group Lorelle and Sarah from Wight Answer That was a fantastic meeting with so much gained from getting together in person! The network is really starting to work!

Next stop Bembridge and lunch with Jacquie, my sponsor for Utility Warehouse. I am an authorised distributor and needed some more training which Jacquie very kindly supplied. I love helping people save money but with Utility Warehouse now offering so much, I had to make sure I was right up to speed and Jacquie helped me with this.

Next stop Ryde and a meeting with Sara Mousley of Nova Lifestyles . What an excellent meeting with lots of PR items being discussed for the network.

Finally having left home at 7.15 am , I returned at 7.15pm to catch up on umpteen emails and messages!

The day was rounded off by the excellent news that I am shortly to move out from my mothers house into my own home once again.

And so to bed......

Tuesday 4 January 2011

UK Barefoot Books Ambassador Conference 2010 and on to 2011 conference

The 2010 conference was excellent and well worth the trip to Bath. We were quite spoilt! I have put the 2011 date in my diary to make sure I don' miss it.This time it will be in Oxford Hope the fame of appearing in this video doesn't go to my head!!! Also in the video are team members Karen from Bromsgrove and Ruth from Reading. I have ambassadors around the country to help with book fairs, home parties, or to recruit those who wish to set up their own home based businesses. We look forward to helping you. Karen and Ruth will be joining me as will Paula and we will have fun fun fun. I am sure more of my team will want to be there.

My team are all looking to grow their teams. Would you like to start your own home based business. We are a fun loving team and will help you build your business at a pace that is right for you.

Lyn's Biz

Sunday 2 January 2011

Time to reflect

As I look back over 2010,  there is so much to remember. I do remember that as we entered the year, I told myself that is would be MY year. My tunnel had been long and dark. That was all going to change and indeed it did. I knew there would be challenges and I wasn't wrong. I struggled to rebuild my business and was criticised for it! Financially I had  been devastated! However, whilst money is a necessity - it hasn't been my god! People are far more important to me! I have "met" some wonderful people this year both on line and off. As I fought off challenge after challenge during the first half of the year, I was supported by some terrific friends.On March 15th, I was blessed with a beautiful new grandchild, sister to the twins. Sadly I was then challenged in the difficult task of supporting my three beautiful children, Toby, Natasha, and Tristan as they came to terms with their fathers death (aged 60) on April 15th. I could support them but could not relate to their feelings of loss as my own father was still alive aged 89! When he died 8 weeks later on June 15th - I didn't actually feel sadness! He had been a well man for most of his life - never taking a days sick leave from work (what an achievement!) Through my unfortunate financial  circumstances, I had moved in with my parents and although some might see this as a negative situation, it meant I had some very special moments with my dad as his health failed. Moments that are so very special to me and worth sooooo much. There was a lot of laughter. Like the time I struggled to take him to my Rotary meeting. He had been a Rotarian for so many years  and I was really glad when he introduced me to Rotary. Our Rotary club celebrates its 10th birthday in June - shame daddy won't be there in body but I know he will in spirit! I drive a van and it was parked on the slope in the drive! I put a small footstool to help dad get in. This would have been fine but he put his hand on the seat to help himself and his wrist gave way and he catapulted into the well of the van where his rather portly figure stuck fast!!!
You had to be there!!! Typically, my daddy didn't get cross! I used the principles of science he had struggled to teach me and tried to use gravity to aid us - turning the van round but he remained stuck. After much prodding and poking (and laughing - not just me but him - and this was at 7 am in the morning) finally he wriggled free! That had to be one of the best excuses for ever being late for Rotary!!

After a busy day at the Gaffers event in Yarmouth, on 4th June, I went hot foot to the hospital as my dad had been having a funny turn! My brother had been there for hours, calming him down. I got there to find he had been throwing things across the ward - so untypical of my dad (and very worrying for me!) I have since been told this was lack of oxygen to the brain. I stayed for a while and then said my goodbyes (and to be honest, at the time I thought it was my final goodbye) and then left to make preparations to travel to the mainland for my grandaughters christening and a weeks work in Milton Keynes. How pleased did I feel then when my dad waited for me to return on the Monday (10 days later) to say the final goodbye! He had waited for me to get back and left us very quietly on Tuesday morning! It was a much nicer memory than it would have been from the previous visit.
We had a wonderful celebration of his life, with my siblings and I all making tribute speeches! Well it had to be done as he taught us public speaking - couldn't let him down could we? It was a wonderful day , with many memories shared of a fantastic 89 years. We even had a video made and have enjoyed the ceremony again and again as it was such a joyous occasion. I must show you the jewellery my sons partner made for me for the occasion. My dad loved liquorice allsorts and also had a thing about my earrings so allsorts  earrings and bracelet it had to be! And of course the floral tribute had to be in keeping!

(photo by Graham Reading of Graham Reading Photography

As I said earlier, I don't feel sad. People were so kind and said such lovely things about my dad. I had the most wonderful out pouring of love from my facebook friends far and near and will always treasure the card sent to me from Lynden  - a facebook friend from Australia. The words were magical! Most of these people had never even met my dad.

The amazing thing is, far from being sad, I feel that as he left us for a better place, he flicked a switch that made things better for me. I still believed it was my year and it improved as the year moved on. There were still challenges and there always will be but far from being the stupid person  that my critiques had said I was, earlier in the year, I went on to win the Best Sales Woman of the Year at the Mumpreneur Awards.

 Funny that - so many entrepreneurs make it to the top because they combine multiple businesses. Yet that is why I was told I was stupid. Not only that but I was criticised for the banter I put on facebook. Well that banter has made my world and that of many of my facebook friends a much happier place! It has even brought new team members to my different businesses! What a silly billy he was - so glad I didn't take his advice!!

Winning that award has connected me with lots more people and I am delighted to say it will improve the lives of many not just give me a much needed boost! As a result of the publicity I got, I have now used it to set up a network group for the small businesses running on the Isle of Wight. Wightbuzz is starting to get the Island Buzzing and we have our first meeting on Tuesday.  Much is planned to ensure our survival. Membership numbers are growing - it is all looking good (and I only set it up a month ago!) There is a Wightbuzz facebook fan page,  a Wightbuzz Blog on Blogger and now Wightbuzz over at Wordpress where I will be adding members details -and who knows what else will develop.

Back in Septemeber, I also celebrated a BIG birthday when there was 4 days of celebrating, including flying to Manchester to spend time with my boys Toby and Tristan. Yes I bought them flybe planes of their own! They had been deprived when they were younger so made it up to them this year!!! tee hee!

 I saw my two older grandaughters and then my younger grandaughters and my daughter joined me for the celebrations on the Isle of Wight.
Lots of friends helped me celebrate too.

I attended the launch of Maggie Curries's Book "What you believe, creates your reality"  A great evening and I can highly recommend to book. ( which I finally read on my cruise in October!)

There was lots of positive things going on through the Autumn and I have just spent Christmas day and New years eve with friends and I have had the best time in years. Many recent Christmasses and New Years have not been the happiest times of my life. I'm not sure my escapade on the Wii just dance were caught on video so don't think I'll make it to you tube!

I have shed most of the negative people in my life and spent much time on personal development and growing my own positivity by following and connecting with very positive people. Giant Potential has also played a large part in my life this year too. Roberta Jerram, creator of Giant Potential, made me an administrator long before she met me! She facebooked the world with the news of my award even before I got to the stage! Her idea was to connect like minded women in business and I have met many of my Giant Poetential friends  too including one of my new bestest friends Paula!!! It was through GP that I found Wikaniko when I read Paula's post and signed up. We have shared a lot of fun this year and look forward to much more.

My goals are set and I have no doubt that that this will be MY year!  Pop back often and you will be able to see if I am on track

Saturday 1 January 2011

What a swell party it was!

It was the best Christmas and New Year in years!!  Spent it with  local friends.  Didn't drink a drop of alcohol! Loads of good food, much merriment and really good company. The highlight of the evening again was the Just dance on the wii - not one turn but two!!!! What great fun we had.

Now 2011 goals are set and positivity vibes are flowing. It is going to be a fantastic year both personally and in my business (Lyn's Biz)  (Wightbuzz). I hope to spread lots of that positivity to many others too.

Have a great one x