Friday 7 October 2011

110% customer service

As many of you will already know, I run Wightbuzz, a networking group for the small businesses on the Isle of Wight. I really like to give my clients value for money and often go the extra mile. Last week, Jo of Blushing Blooms , called me to see if I could man the shop for her. I was delighted to oblige. So off she went to set up wedding flowers down at Gurnard Pines (where there is no mobile phone signal - and yes that is relevant!) I took several phone messages - so far so good but then a couple came in and wanted to buy a candelabra displayed in the window and unfortunately there was no price attached. I tried phoning Jo but as I said - no phone signal. I tried texting and eventually Jo rang with the price. Phewie - the sale was made! A short while later a lovely couple came into the shop. They wanted some flowers to take to their hostess. They gave me a price they wanted to spend - now I was in trouble. I hadn't got a clue how many flowers to give them for that. It wasn't like the local supermarket where the bunches are all priced. They weren't in a hurry as they had arrived on an early ferry and had time to spare so we chatted for a while -(and of course I still couldn't get Jo on the phone) . As time went on I felt we might lose the sale so suggested the couple might like to pop across to the florist across the road - although I didn't really want to lose the sale but neither did I want to get it badly wrong and give away too many flowers. The gentleman wouldn't hear of it. I had obviously made a good impression and he wanted to do business with me. The couple were now enjoying the sunshine, sitting on the wall outside the shop. As I chatted, a lady came along with a small dog and she stopped to talk. I have seen her go by many times so was cheeky enough to ask if she knew anything about the price of flowers etc. She had been a regular customer of Jo's and knew prices and not only that, she had also done some floral training. How lucky was I! She came in the shop, chose some flowers, wrapped them up and gave them to the customer whereupon they paid me and all ended well. AND they gave me 110% for customer satisfaction. Jo came round the corner a few minutes later (and the phone messages all arrived on her phone after she was back.)

Monday 3 October 2011

Do you value your friends?

Life has been tough for me as it has for many. I have, however, learnt to live on the roller coaster that is my life. At times. I really have to strengthen my grip but I am determined not to let go!!
 Through it all I will still remain true to my principles (my mum and dad taught me well!) I treat others as I would wish to be treated. Sadly this is not true of everyone. 
Recent events have made me take stock. I now find myself surrounded by some wonderful friends. The fair weather friends are gone and the real friends remain. 
I really value these friends and thank them from the bottom of my heart. These are the ones who are honest and speak the truth. I love you all lots. xx