Sunday 27 March 2011

What a difference a year makes!

 Just over a year ago, I was told I was stupid for running multiple businesses (Lyn's Biz) and I was told the happy banter I posted on facebook was silly! ( a good job I took no notice but  took my own advice (to do what was right for me) rather than take that gentleman's advice! I had been financially devastated by a company who had had 7 years of my loyal full time service! They decided to move the goalposts - compromising my credibility. I left and spread my eggs into several baskets. No way would I ever put them all in one basket again! I persevered and promoted myself via social media as it was free (remember I had been financially devastated!) Now far from being stupid - I am having the last laugh. My multiple businesses are growing - people are joining me BECAUSE of my happy banter on facebook! I have gained new customers and new team members. I entered a National mumpreneurs award and won the west Saleswoman 2010 category. That has given me enormous publicity and on the back of that I have been able to set up a  network group on the Isle of Wight, where I live. Wightbuzz
has been set up as a networking group to help the small businesses on the Island survive by linking together. It has been so successful in the four months that it has been running that there are now plans to expand in other areas.
I am so glad I didn't listen to that sad gentleman who tried to bring me down! What a difference a year makes. Don't let anyone put you down. Follow your dreams and dare to dream big. Just go out there and make things happen!